Hello All: Wow, Wow, Wow, what a weekend. This past Saturday night was amazing, wonderful and frightening all at the same time. I was looking forward to this wedding for so many reasons, but as the forecast became a reality it had me extremely nervous. Rachael & Jonathan planned a beautiful reception at Walden Country Inn outside in a huge tent. It was stunning...and hot. Thank goodness for the parents of the bride & groom adding air-conditioning to the set-up to keep the guests cool. There was a heat-advisory in affect that evening until 8:00 PM. It was steamy! But that was the least of our worries. The weather turned for the worse just as we were doing the grand entrance and the party had to be put on hold while the staff & many guests hunkered down in the tent (holding down the sides) to keep us from flying away. Looking back, I'm fairly certain if the guests, vendors and staffers (about 40 of them) did not step up and help out the whole event would have been rained out and blown down. It was a very scary 20 minutes. It was one of the most amazing things I've been apart of as a DJ in the last 11 years. I'm thankful we all survived.
Here are the extreme details:
Date: Saturday July 24Th, 2010
Memorable Moments: Wow, there were a ton. In a nutshell, I will always remember all the trained dancers on the dance floor, the extreme rain and winds (felt like a Tornado) as well as the heat and their first dance routine. - It was all amazing. Plus the way the bride & groom (and their families) dealt with the torrential rain was admirable. They were cool, happy and confident that it was all going to be okay! It was more than okay, it was perfect...complete with a Rainbow.
iphone pics & vid: Check em':
The talented Yoda Pez performing during cocktails.
Looking up at the amazing flower chandelier (1 of 3)
The table settings.
The whole room/tent view.
The "White Flower Cake Shoppe" - one of their finest.
After a super-bad rainstorm, the bride and groom were greeted with an amazing rainbow right over their tent.
A well choreographed first dance:
"Everything" - Michael Buble "Put Your Hands Up..."
The result of mixing good music and a reception full of Miami University Dance Team Alumni: "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah".
Congrats to Rachael and Jonathan. What a night. If rain on your wedding night truly means a wealth of good fortune, you are going to be a very rich & happy couple!
Best Wishes!